Mission Statement

Our mission includes the beliefs, practices, and vision of our community as we seek to live out the calling of Jesus. This statement summarizes our mission: we exist to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ who join in the renewal of our city and world through the power of the Holy Spirit. 


What does this mission look like? These practices shape our hearts and actions as a church:

By God's mercy to us in Christ, we are being renewed through the Holy Spirit not only to sing God's praise, but to present our entire lives in worship to him – to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength. We worship God not only as individuals, but also with our local church every Sunday when we hear God's word preached, take the Lord's Supper, and pray for the Spirit to empower us to live for his glory.

In Christ, our heavenly Father made us his sons and daughters who walk according to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit forms a body of believers marked by radical reconciliation, loving accountability, and selfless service. Thus the church is different from the culture around it not only in what we believe, but also in how we live.

The Spirit equips us to work for the Lord Jesus as we fulfill God's purpose of making creation flourish. We have a responsibility to use our talents, time, and vocations to bring a measure of healing to God's creation whether we're constructing buildings, practicing law, mending broken bodies, or nurturing children. We seek to apply the mission of God in every kind of work. 

As the Father has sent his Son, so Jesus sends us to share the gospel through the help of the Holy Spirit. As a community of witnesses, we are deeply connected with both those who embrace this faith and those who are exploring. Our hope is to see the gospel spread throughout our neighborhoods, campuses, city, and world in a variety of ways, but especially through the starting of new churches. 

The Father gave us his Son, who took the form of a servant and humbly gave his life, so that now the Spirit enables us to follow Jesus' example, counting others more significant than ourselves. The ministry of Jesus not only included the forgiveness of sins, but also the relief of poverty, hunger, and injustice. Like Jesus, the church lovingly serves and meets the basic needs of our neighbors, whether they share our faith or not. 

Vision: Make the Gospel walkable and Global

What would it look like if we carried out these beliefs and practices in every area of life? What would happen? Each neighborhood of our city would have a Christian community applying the renewing power of the gospel in all of life.

We have a vision to make the gospel walkable by increasing Christian presence in every neighborhood of our city, and through the Church in our city, contribute to the increased Christian presence globally.  We seek to accomplish this vision not as a single local church but rather through cooperation with all Christian churches and global ministry partners.


Trinity City Church is a Christian community that believes the grace of Jesus Christ can transform our lives, our city, and our world.

We are a faith community whose participants include believers as well as skeptics and those exploring the Christian faith.

We are a Christian church whose membership affirms the Creeds (Apostles’ and Nicene), prays the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, and lives by the ethics of the Ten Commandments.

We are a Protestant church whose ministry leaders affirm the Statement of Faith from our denomination—The Evangelical Free Church of America.

Finally, we are a Reformed church whose pastors, staff, and congregational leaders affirm this confessional statement and theological vision from The Gospel Coalition.